This was held on October 24, 2009 at the Senior’s Centre, Mary Jane Fleming taught us how to embellish a very plain sweatshirt into a stunning light jacket.
We had a total of 8 participants in the workshop. There were no two sweatshirts alike when we started. All the sweat shirt colours were different as were fabrics for the embellishment. Some of us did not read the instructions carefully enough and did not bring enough fabric to be able to participate. (That was me.) Someone had a sweatshirt that had a pouch or pockets in the front and that did not lend itself to doing this project. Obviously we have to pay more attention and ask more questions.
There were some stunning jackets that were completed at the workshop and some had to be taken home to finish. They certainly looked great. Everyone enjoyed doing this project and I am sure we will see more creations in the future. Although Mary Jane only had us working on one pattern at this workshop, she provided additional patterns for us to use on another one.
We had 3 members working on their own projects and 5 “No Shows” from the sign-up sheet. Some had contacted Mary Jane ahead of time but others had not. Gina did come in and visit us to see what we were doing.
We had a draw for a book “Sew It Soft” and it was won by Sharon Sapay. For those who were not there when we made the draw, don’t worry, I had Mary Jane choose a number from the sign up sheet and that is how we chose our winner, so you were all in it.
And again an delicious Pot Luck Lunch was enjoyed. Many left early as they either finished their project or had to leave and a few us were left to the end, which came about 4:00 p.m. All in all, an excellent day.

Some of the students’ work.