Convergence Quilt Class

September 26, 2009, at the Senior’s Centre, Judy Allard taught the Ricky Timms Convergence Quilt project.

We had a total of 13 participants in the workshop.  Judy had us all doing the same thing at the same time so that we all kept up with the instructions.  The morning was spent cutting our fabric and sewing it up again.  Doesn’t that sound like those people who cannot see quilting for the excellent past time that it is.  “Why would anyone cut up good fabric only sew it back together again?????”  How many of you have heard that!!!  Actually this workshop was exactly that.  I cut up a piece of fabric 32″ square into four, then cut it into strips and sewed it back up again.

Judy was a very good instructor, emphasizing each step so that we understood what we were doing.  By afternoon we had progressed to the borders, with much discussion and experimenting going on.  Some of us went shopping to get just the correct borders for the project.  Others made do with what they had brought.

Most had completed the project to the point that only the backing, batting and top needed to be quilted by the time that we left.  If I remember correctly, everything had been put away and cleaned up by 4:30 p.m.  A very constructive, productive, and fun day.

We also had 7 members who worked on their own projects and you may see some of them during the show and tell.  Those taking the workshop examined their projects and they examined ours.  Everyone seemed pleased with what they had accomplished.  The expanded dining space made for more room in that area and there were no problems between the workshop and the other attendees.

We had a draw for a book “Look what I see Quilts” which was won by Sherry Ursel.

Kathy Beauchene of A. J.’s Fabrics, came and distributed 25% Off Coupons for regularly priced fabric to all 21 participants of the Sewing Saturday.  This coupon does not expire until October 31, 2009.

I am sure that some of the members taking the workshop would like to tell you about their day.


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